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Virtual Ecology Portal

Computational resources for learning Ecology

“Essentially all models are wrong, but some are usefull” George Box

“Theory without data is fantasy, but data without theory is caos” Lawler,E. 1971

“A measure of the usefulness of a theory is its ability to fail in informative ways.” Rosindell et al. 2011


This wiki is a collaborative platform for the development and use computational simulation for teaching and learn ecological models.

Here you can find:

  • Didactic sequences
  • The EcoVirtual R package for teaching ecology
  • Guidelines for using other computing resources
  • Links for more study material

How to participate

Use of material

  • All material on this site is free to use and reproduce, as long as its authorship is acknowledged.
  • The scripts are independent and can be combined in different didactic sequences.
  • We would appreciate if you let us know how you use EcoVirtual material.

Code Repository

The code for both packages, EcoVirtual and EcoVirtualPlugin, are in the github repository. To clone, contribute or indicate a bug, join the EcoVirt github group


  • Send criticisms, questions and suggestions by email.
  • Report issues or request improvements to the EcoVirtual package at your repository
  • If you want to participate as a script or package author, please contact us.

Problems with math expressions

If you have problems viewing mathematical expressions and symbols on this wiki, look for a plugin or extension that has ASCIIMath in the name for your browser. In Chrome the extension is named MathML-2-CSS. Firefox recognizes formulas by default, other browsers have not been tested.

Courses that use EcoVirtual

This list includes only brazilian courses that the teacher told us is using our portal. If you are using, please send us a message and we will be happy to include your course on this list.




Tropical Forest Ecology Laboratory Alexandre Adalardo de Oliveira, < > Institute of Biosciences/ Ecology - USP LabTrop

Theoretical Ecology Laboratory Paulo Inácio Prado, Institute of Biosciences/ Ecology - USP Laboratory of Theoretical Ecology


  • André Chalom, USP
  • Melina Leite, USP
  • Marcel Vaz, USP
  • Renato Coutinho, UNESP

To learn more

en/ecovirt/start.1663267704.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/15 15:48 by adalardo